wild life

With 26% forest cover, far greater than any other district in kerala, wayanad is home to two major wildlife reserves: muthanga and tholpetty. 
Taken together, these  two sanctuaries are home to an incredible range of flora and fauna, including several endangered species.
   The vegetation is predominantly moist deciduous forests with smaller stretches of swamps, teak forests, bamboo and tall grass.Amidst such fertile and varied flora, this region hosts  several rare herbs and medicinal plants.

With numerous watering holes, muthanga has a large population of pachyderms, and has been declared a project elephant site. Other animals species include leopards, gaur, sambar,  cheetal, barking deer, hanuman langur and slender loris. The reserve also home to a small population of tigers.

    In addition, there is also a profusion of birds , butterflies and insects.the region in total labourers 333 species of butterflies of which 41 are endemic.       
